Note 1: All MSDF students can take the "CDA 6946: Internship" as a 3-credit elective (as one of the two electives in fulfilling the 6-credit non-thesis option). If you want to take the internship course, you must find a semester-long internship position by yourself in the cybersecurity or digital forensics related fields (UCF Information Security Office provides limited unpaid internship, please contact: Once you have secured the internship position, contact Cliff Zou at to register this course.
Note 2: All students need to request permission from Ms. Elexis Ritz < >, Criminal Justice Graduate Program Advisor, to register for Criminal Justice classes (CCJ or CJE course prefix). There are limited openings for MSDF students in those CCJ/CJE classes, so register early.
Note 3: Except CCJ, CJE courses, you can register ANY course in the course list by yourself as long as you are enrolled in the Digital Forensics Master program. The prereqisite described in course catalog are not active in most cases. However, if you are enrolled in the ONLINE MSDF program, you can only register those online courses or online sessions (0V61 or 0W61) of those courses.
Note 4: The course teaching schedule for each academic year is almost the same. Thus you can use the current academic year schedule to plan for your future class taken.
Summer 2025
CDA 6946 Internship (contact Cliff Zou at if you are interested)
CHS 5518.CW60 The Forensic Collection and Examination of Digital Evidence (online)
CCJ 5015.BW61 The Nature of Crime (online)
CCJ 5456.AW61 The Administration Of Justice (online)
CCJ 6704.CW61 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (online)
CCJ 6706.CW61 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice I (online)
IDC 6601.CM61 Behavioral Aspects of Cybersecurity (0001: We 6:00PM - 8:50PM; 0V91 online)
Fall 2025
CDA 6946 Internship (contact Cliff Zou at if you are interested)
CHS 5504.0W61 Topics in Forensic Science (online)
CGS 5131.0V61 Computer Forensics I (online)
CIS 6206.0V61 Electronic Discovery for Digital Forensics Professionals (online)
CIS 6395.0R01 Incident Response Technologies (0001: TuTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM; 0V61 online)
CNT 6519.0V61 Wireless Security and Forensics (online)
CCJ 5015.0W61 and .0W62 Nature of Crime (online)
CCJ 5456.0W61 and .0001 The Administration Of Justice (online & in-campus at Tu 6pm-8:50pm)
CCJ 6704.0W61 and .0W62 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (online)
CCJ 6706.0W61 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice I (online)
CJL 6568.0W61 Law and Social Control (online)
Spring 2026
CDA 6946, Internship (contact Cliff Zou at, if you are interested)
CAP 6135.0R01 Malware and Software Vulnerability Analysis (0001: TuTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM; 0V61 online)
CNT 6418.0V61 Computer Forensics II (online)
CIS 6207.0V61 The Practice of Digital Forensics (online)
CIS 6386.0V61 Operating Systems and File System Forensics (online)
CNT 5410L.0R01 Cyber Operation Lab (0001: Mo 10:30AM - 1:20PM; 0V61 online)
CHS 5596.0W60 The Forensic Expert in the Courtroom (online)
CCJ 5015.0W61 & .0W62 The Nature of Crime (online)
CCJ 5456 The Administration Of Justice (0001: Mo 6:00PM - 8:50PM; 0W61 online)
CCJ 6704 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (0001: We 6:00PM - 8:50PM; 0W61 online)
CJE 6688.0W61 Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice (online)
CCJ 6706.0W61 and .0W62 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice I (online)
CJL 6568.0W61 Law and Social Control (online)